KBFA’s Annual Gathering is Upon Us!

March 1st 2025

Republic Bank Foundation YMCA

1720 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40203

Thank you for consideration in donating or sponsoring the Kentucky Black Farmers Association. Our mission statement is: 

Kentucky Black Farmers Association advocates for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) farmers, displaced and/or marginalized persons in agriculture by creating a solid leadership foundation. We are a liaison for accountability from agriculture agencies, providing education, research, and awareness for economic development.

KBFA’s Annual Gathering is a time for members, partners, and collaborators to see what the member based organization has done, will do and how to support going forward in the year. Your donation/sponsor will support the following:

● Farmer/Grower member attendance to educational and networking workshops/conferences

● Maintain the organizations infrastructure to uplift our mission

● Support our policy initiative as we invite members to Frankfort and Washington D.C

● Funding opportunities to continue to support our members in our state and regional food system

● Allow stipends for farmer/grower speaking engagements for state and regional conferences

● Assist with support of young farmers and students to attend conferences and on farm workshops

Thank You

Tiffany Bellfield El-Amin, Founding Director