Kentucky Black Farmers Association

Kentucky Black Farmers Association advocates for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) farmers, displaced and/or marginalized persons in agriculture by creating a solid leadership foundation. We are a liaison for accountability from agriculture agencies, providing education, research, and awareness for economic development.

The moment we choose to love, we begin to move against dominion, against oppression. The moment we choose love, we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others.
— Bell Hooks

2021 KY Map of Black Farmers

Courtesy of Community Farm Alliance 2501 Program

Meet Our Founder

Tiffany Bellfield El-Amin

Tiffany Bellfield El-Amin was raised in rural Madison Co, Kentucky. Growing up you could find her tobacco farming with her grandparents and living a homestead life. Her lifelong passion for serving children and families brought her into Doula work early in her career. In 2013, Tiffany began community organizing around education and food access. Two years later she received her Associates in Science in and then began working with Community Farm Alliance in 2017.

As a steward of her generational land, Tiffany has passed down many lessons and roles to her daughter, Makayla. And in 2024 with the continued love and support of her partners Wali and Cole El-Amin, Tiffany will add Founder and Executive Director of Kentucky Black Farmers Association to her many titles.