KBFA Brings in The New Year with A Bang!

January 2025

KBFA’s 2nd Annual Gathering is Upon Us!

All current and potential members are invited to KBFA's Annual Gathering!

Food will be included.

Learn what we are doing and help us plan for the year! We will also discuss Cooperative Development.

We are looking for new officers and working group leaders. If you’re interested in either, please let us know!

Annual Membership fees will be collected During the Annual Gathering.

Annual Gathering Registration


Complete the Community Resource Assessment to Earn Prizes!

KBFA is conducting a community resource assessment to better understand public awareness and use of USDA Rural Development programs and services.

Your input is incredibly valuable to help us improve access to these resources in our community.

The survey will only take about 5-7 minutes of your time.

As a thank you for participating, your entry will be included in a drawing for one of these exciting prizes:

• A $50 Amazon gift card

• A $100 Lowe’s gift card

• A $100 Walmart gift card

Thank you so much for helping us strengthen our community!

We’d love your help in spreading the word! If you refer 10 people to complete the survey, we’ll send you a $100 reward as our way of saying thanks for your support.

1. Share the survey link with your friends, family, and community.

2. Ask them to list your name as the person who referred them when they complete the survey.

3. Once 10 people complete the survey and name you as their referrer, you’ll receive $100!

It’s simple and who doesn’t love free money!

Your help can make a big difference in increasing awareness and access to USDA Rural Development programs.

Start The Survey


KBFA Joins NFFC for DC Fly In

All Kentucky Black Farmers Association members are also current members of the National Family Farm Coalition. This March we will accompany NFFC for the third year to Washington DC for their DC Fly-In. This gives Kentucky Farmers and growers an opportunity to speak on bills and policies through our stories.

We are fortunate to send Icyreen Ford, of Louisville KY, to represent KBFA. She, along with Mariel Gardner and Ameerah Granger have been champion policy advocacy across the state.

Organic Seed Growers Conference

 Although this wonderful conference is being held at the same time as the Kentucky Black Farmers Conference, we have members attending! You can register to attend the virtual option to be at 2 places at one time!

The Organic Seed Growers Conference is a biennial gathering by and for agroecological seed communities in the U.S. and across the world. The goal of the Organic Seed Growers Conference is to inspire individuals, communities, organizations, and businesses to take actions that support and improve the integrity of the philosophical and practical systems that make up the organic seed movement and trade.

For more information or questions, contact within the organization:

Aba Kiser, Events and Information Associate


360-386-2030 (cell)


KBFA’s Annual Gathering is upon us!